Sunday, March 9


3 Ways to Run a Cost-Effective Business
Advice, News

3 Ways to Run a Cost-Effective Business

COVID-19 has created a big difference in the way business owners operate day-to-day. Sadly, it has forced several people who couldn’t make the necessary changes to close their doors for good. It’s left those remaining owners to search for the best way to run a successful, and cost-effective, operation. When looking for ways to improve your company over the long run, mimicking a successful business is good, but following the ideals of a successful person is better. If you’re looking to run a cost-effective business, Malliha Wilson is a good person to follow. After a quick look at the LinkedIn profile of Malliha Wilson, you can instantly tell that she is a person to admire. As the Assistant Deputy Attorney General of the Ontario Government, Malliha dedicated eight years of her life to ser...
3 Signs That You Need a Hearing Test
Advice, Innovation, News

3 Signs That You Need a Hearing Test

Hearing health is often forgotten about until you realize there is something wrong. Even when your ears feel fine, it's still important to have your hearing tested annually after the age of 21. Baseline testing can be done by your primary care physician during your annual physical exam. The test shows where your hearing is at, so that an audiologist has a comparison point in the event you need further testing done. A hearing screening is a quick, pass-fail test that helps your doctor determine the need for more screenings. If you fail a hearing screening, you'll need to get a comprehensive hearing test from an audiologist. Living with hearing loss affects your quality of life, whether it's the perception of phantom noises or the inability to hear without hearing aids. The first step tow...
What You’ll Need to Successfully Grow Your Business
Advice, Innovation, News

What You’ll Need to Successfully Grow Your Business

Think of all the businesses you come in contact with every day. From buying groceries to renovating your home, there are so many different areas and ways businesses affect your life. Even the largest companies in the world like Amazon, Target, Starbucks and more had to start somewhere. They grew into their success and achieved that ultimate level of brand recognition and security. As a small business owner, you're no doubt extra focused on how these companies found that level of success and how you can try to do the same with your company. Growing a business is hard work. It takes dedication, but it also takes the right tools and proper mindset. Take advantage of the companies that have come before you, and try and figure out how you'll achieve that same level of success. Remember to ke...
What’s New in HVAC Technology?
Advice, AI

What’s New in HVAC Technology?

Most people don't follow updates on HVAC technology, so you may not be aware of how much HVAC systems have evolved and changed in recent years. Whether you're an industry professional looking to stay informed about new products and features or a customer wondering what to expect when shopping for an HVAC system, it's important to have some knowledge about where the industry is heading and what heating, ventilation, and air conditioning will look like in the future. Many of these advances can save you money in addition to being better for the planet, so if you're thinking about upgrading your current HVAC, now may be the time to invest. If you want to learn more, read on to find out some of the latest HVAC technology trends. Why are HVAC systems so important? If you find yourself won...
Tops Reasons To Select a Ductless AC System
Advice, Innovation

Tops Reasons To Select a Ductless AC System

Over the past few years, homeowners have begun to learn the benefits of new technologies in air systems for their homes. Whether a new home, an existing structure, or a family looking to put their house on the real estate market; the many benefits of new air conditioners and heating systems have led to popularity in ductless alternatives to traditional, conventional HVAC units and furnaces. Here, we will look at just a few of the major reasons that ductless air conditioning is now attracting more homeowners in the U.S. Benefits of Ductless Air Conditioning Ductless air conditioning has been a common method of cooling homes in Asia and Europe for the past decade but has only recently become a new standard within the United States. Many American homeowners are unaware of the alternative ...
How Are Different Products Manufactured and Shipped?
Advice, Innovation, Robots

How Are Different Products Manufactured and Shipped?

While you probably don't think about it as a consumer, there's a lot of logistical legwork that goes into both the manufacturing and shipment of the products you use each week. Before you ever receive a package on your doorstep or pull an item off the shelf, there are many logistical hoops in the production process that that item has gone through to reach you in such consistent packaging. Especially with delivery becoming the norm for so many people because of COVID-19, durability, efficiency, and reliability have become even more important when it comes to packaging. Take, for example, a product like spring water. Cartons of natural spring water need to be packaged and shipped in a specific way so that the spring water doesn't freeze in transit. Simultaneously, water delivery often inv...
How to Throw a Socially Distanced Party
Advice, AI, News

How to Throw a Socially Distanced Party

Hosting a party these days can be a daunting task. You may be worried about others getting sick or catching the virus yourself. Months of isolation have left us all feeling lonely and anxious to gather again with friends and family. Social loneliness can lead to increased rates of depression and anxiety, which is why it is vital to still create fun ways to interact with loved ones. Meaningful communication with others in a group setting is beneficial to your mental health, and by sticking to a few simple guidelines you can still throw that annual holiday party safely. Whether it's an 18th birthday or a 50th birthday, here are some essentials for planning a successful socially distanced gathering for any occasion. Dress up. Distract your guests from all the safety precautions and get...
What to Do if Your Child Has a Birth Injury
Advice, Legal, News

What to Do if Your Child Has a Birth Injury

Having a baby is one of the most magical times in anyone's life. Imagining your life together as a new family, all the sweet moments of snuggling, all the first moments in your child's life, all the special days you'll spend together—all of these whimsical thoughts can fill anyone's heart with joy. That being said, being pregnant also includes a lot of unknowns and, therefore, a lot of fear and stress. Many parents-to-be are fearful that something may happen to their baby, and rightfully so. So much can go wrong—a birth defect, a birth injury due to doctor negligence or medical malpractice, and more. Of course, birth injuries range from something like scoliosis, which is serious but treatable, to something like brain damage, which can be far more devastating. Most of these fears are ...
4 Tools to Help You Build a Stronger Gaming Company
Advice, AI, Innovation, Robots

4 Tools to Help You Build a Stronger Gaming Company

As a kid, you may have gotten scolded often by your parents for spending too much time inside on your computer. "Those video games will rot your brain," they said. Well, the joke is on them, because the video game industry has expanded exponentially over the past several years, and you've got a head start. With your years of training growing up, you may be interested in getting into the gaming industry professionally. Creating and selling video games is an exciting and fun profession, but it also takes work to run a successful gaming business. Since you have a company that will revolve around technology, you need the best software, servers, branding, and tools to be a leader in your field. This isn't a job for the faint of heart, and it will take dedication and innovative thinking to cr...
Why Salesforce Remains the #1 CRM Platform with Many Companies Offering Add-on Services
Advice, Innovation, News

Why Salesforce Remains the #1 CRM Platform with Many Companies Offering Add-on Services

Companies have been keeping track of client information for decades. Back in the day, companies had to use pen and paper to organize relevant data in ledgers and the like. The goal has always been to find patterns in the types of buyers, suppliers, and service users with whom your company interacts. These patterns have helped organizations target certain demographics for decades, unlocking strategies that could make their businesses flourish, and then altering their practices accordingly. Customer relationship management (CRM) software is the Rolodex of the 21st century. All of the information you have on your clients is in one organized place, but you can look through it without getting ink stains and paper cuts. Broadly, CRM is any practice, technology, or strategy designed to help bu...