Monday, March 10
What Is a Robotic Exoskeleton and What Does It Do?
AI, Innovation, Robots

What Is a Robotic Exoskeleton and What Does It Do?

When we think of a robotic exoskeleton, we may dive into our movie repertoire and think of films like Alien and Avatar. Exoskeletons are actually breaking ground throughout the healthcare industry, serving as a promising form of treatment for people who have suffered spinal cord injuries. These devices are helping patients relearn how to walk, lift, and go about their daily lives, and we'll take a closer look as to what these systems entail and how they're changing the face of medical care. What is a robotic exoskeleton? Robotic exoskeletons, sometimes referred to as exosuits, are essentially wearable robots that enhance the abilities of the person wearing them. Ekso Bionics, the creators of the Eksoskeleton, originally developed these hydraulic-powered suits for military use. The E...
How To Start a Career in Tech
Advice, Innovation

How To Start a Career in Tech

In today’s world, without the use of technology, our planet would fall down around us. Don’t think that’s true? Tell that to the 300 million smartphone users who utilize their mobile devices to do a host of things. Smartphones are used to make phone calls, surf the internet, pay bills, stay in contact through social media, and even watch digital content on a variety of mobile apps. Mobile devices are just one example of the types of technology that the world has become attached to in more ways than one. Technology, at its base, is what happens when scientific knowledge is applied for scientific purposes, within various industries. This also includes machinery and equipment that is developed when scientific knowledge is applied to such creation. There are a host of careers within the tec...
Tips for Starting Your Own Auto Body Shop
Advice, News

Tips for Starting Your Own Auto Body Shop

The automotive industry is one of the most lucrative in the world. That's not true only for business in auto sales, but it's also true for auto technicians and just about every other type of business in the auto industry. Because automobiles will always be around, there will always be plenty of work for those with the passion and know-how for working on cars. Running your own body shop may be your passion project, but you also want it to grow and flourish. Making the jump from mechanic to entrepreneur/mechanic is quite an accomplishment, and to continue to advance, you're going to need to be as business savvy as you are car savvy. If you're planning on opening an autobody shop, be sure to read this first for some crucial pointers. Build relationships with other people in the automotive...
What Do Successful Companies Have in Common?
Advice, News

What Do Successful Companies Have in Common?

Successful companies are those that understand their niche and work to capitalize on their teams’ strengths. Working to perfect a business model is something that every business can do––whether your small business operates as a single proprietorship in a small town or you run a multinational law firm with offices all over the world. However, perfection can often feel like a fleeting dream that can’t be accomplished. Successful companies share a core commitment to excellence as well as generalized traits that others aspire to bring into their own company's climate. Working to achieve these traits is a great way to ensure success for your own small business in the long term. Focus on advertising. Your sales team will typically be working overtime to create revenue for the company, but...
3 Ways to Run a Cost-Effective Business
Advice, News

3 Ways to Run a Cost-Effective Business

COVID-19 has created a big difference in the way business owners operate day-to-day. Sadly, it has forced several people who couldn’t make the necessary changes to close their doors for good. It’s left those remaining owners to search for the best way to run a successful, and cost-effective, operation. When looking for ways to improve your company over the long run, mimicking a successful business is good, but following the ideals of a successful person is better. If you’re looking to run a cost-effective business, Malliha Wilson is a good person to follow. After a quick look at the LinkedIn profile of Malliha Wilson, you can instantly tell that she is a person to admire. As the Assistant Deputy Attorney General of the Ontario Government, Malliha dedicated eight years of her life to ser...
3 Signs That You Need a Hearing Test
Advice, Innovation, News

3 Signs That You Need a Hearing Test

Hearing health is often forgotten about until you realize there is something wrong. Even when your ears feel fine, it's still important to have your hearing tested annually after the age of 21. Baseline testing can be done by your primary care physician during your annual physical exam. The test shows where your hearing is at, so that an audiologist has a comparison point in the event you need further testing done. A hearing screening is a quick, pass-fail test that helps your doctor determine the need for more screenings. If you fail a hearing screening, you'll need to get a comprehensive hearing test from an audiologist. Living with hearing loss affects your quality of life, whether it's the perception of phantom noises or the inability to hear without hearing aids. The first step tow...
What You’ll Need to Successfully Grow Your Business
Advice, Innovation, News

What You’ll Need to Successfully Grow Your Business

Think of all the businesses you come in contact with every day. From buying groceries to renovating your home, there are so many different areas and ways businesses affect your life. Even the largest companies in the world like Amazon, Target, Starbucks and more had to start somewhere. They grew into their success and achieved that ultimate level of brand recognition and security. As a small business owner, you're no doubt extra focused on how these companies found that level of success and how you can try to do the same with your company. Growing a business is hard work. It takes dedication, but it also takes the right tools and proper mindset. Take advantage of the companies that have come before you, and try and figure out how you'll achieve that same level of success. Remember to ke...
What’s New in HVAC Technology?
Advice, AI

What’s New in HVAC Technology?

Most people don't follow updates on HVAC technology, so you may not be aware of how much HVAC systems have evolved and changed in recent years. Whether you're an industry professional looking to stay informed about new products and features or a customer wondering what to expect when shopping for an HVAC system, it's important to have some knowledge about where the industry is heading and what heating, ventilation, and air conditioning will look like in the future. Many of these advances can save you money in addition to being better for the planet, so if you're thinking about upgrading your current HVAC, now may be the time to invest. If you want to learn more, read on to find out some of the latest HVAC technology trends. Why are HVAC systems so important? If you find yourself won...
Tops Reasons To Select a Ductless AC System
Advice, Innovation

Tops Reasons To Select a Ductless AC System

Over the past few years, homeowners have begun to learn the benefits of new technologies in air systems for their homes. Whether a new home, an existing structure, or a family looking to put their house on the real estate market; the many benefits of new air conditioners and heating systems have led to popularity in ductless alternatives to traditional, conventional HVAC units and furnaces. Here, we will look at just a few of the major reasons that ductless air conditioning is now attracting more homeowners in the U.S. Benefits of Ductless Air Conditioning Ductless air conditioning has been a common method of cooling homes in Asia and Europe for the past decade but has only recently become a new standard within the United States. Many American homeowners are unaware of the alternative ...
Signs It’s Time for a New Start

Signs It’s Time for a New Start

During childhood and adolescence, most people experience a few transitions that offer them a fresh start. There are opportunities to make new friends when you start middle school and high school, and you also have to adapt to new environments. Once you reach adulthood, however, it’s more likely you’ll feel pressured to settle down. Many adults strive to establish their career, start a family, and buy a home. Others opt to return to school, change jobs, or relocate. These signs could indicate you’re ready for a fresh start. Use the tips that follow to make meaningful changes and feel fulfilled. Discontentment It could be time for a change if you aren’t satisfied with your routine. If you’re struggling to get up in the morning and feeling frustrated, you could be stuck in a rut. There...