What Is a Robotic Exoskeleton and What Does It Do?
When we think of a robotic exoskeleton, we may dive into our movie repertoire and think of films like Alien and Avatar. Exoskeletons are actually breaking ground throughout the healthcare industry, serving as a promising form of treatment for people who have suffered spinal cord injuries.
These devices are helping patients relearn how to walk, lift, and go about their daily lives, and we'll take a closer look as to what these systems entail and how they're changing the face of medical care.
What is a robotic exoskeleton?
Robotic exoskeletons, sometimes referred to as exosuits, are essentially wearable robots that enhance the abilities of the person wearing them. Ekso Bionics, the creators of the Eksoskeleton, originally developed these hydraulic-powered suits for military use. The E...