Saturday, February 22

What You Need to Know About Your HVAC System

Every responsible homeowner is well-tuned into the state of their HVAC system. The last grim reality that you want to find yourself facing is a busted air conditioner resulting from a faulty air filter that compromises your home’s airflow in the thick of the sweltering summer months. Seriously, your home should be a place that you can count on at all times to be able to take refuge from the heat. Or, on the flip side, maybe you’ll find yourself dealing with a cold snap and harsh icy temperatures.

You don’t need that heating pump on the fritz. If that’s not guaranteed, you’ll quickly find your peace of mind out the window, and the stress piles up from there. But where to begin? Let’s take a closer look at exactly what you need to know about your HVAC system. Fortunately, we’ve been able to pull together all the essential info that you’ll need to have in your back pocket as a knowledgable homeowner who has their HVAC system on lock.

Heat Pump

The heat pump in your HVAC system works by absorbing heat from a colder environment like the outdoors during the winter months. This cold air is then thankfully heated up and then released into your home’s various temperature-controlled rooms. A heat pump works in much the same way that your air conditioner does when it uses a refrigeration-type cycle. Obviously, the biggest difference here is that the heat pump pushes that air back into your home’s rooms to create heated air instead of releasing the air back outside, like would happen when your home’s cooling system is in action.

Having a trained professional come through your home at least once a year to assess the state of your heat pump is one of those important HVAC maintenance tips. Your eyes will only be able to catch so much. Thus, it’s always game-changing to rely on the trained eyes of an actual HVAC maintenance professional. With regular heating and cooling maintenance, you’ll stand the best chance at saving money on your monthly energy costs. It’s all about reducing that utility bill.

Cooling Systems

We live in a wonderfully evolved era, whereas a homeowner you have available to you has many air conditioner options. Most air conditioners nowadays can actually even be installed by the owner. A popular choice for that route is a ductless mini-split system. While the installation process can be time-consuming, it’s a completely feasible project to tack on. You’ll need to make sure that the interior and exterior parts of the air conditioner system are adequately connected.

If you’re someone who lives in a dryer climate, a popular option for a cooling system in your home would be an evaporative cooler. An evaporative cooler works by pulling air from the outdoors into the system and channeling it through water-saturated pads. This process cools and moistens the air before it’s then pushed into your living space.

Split Systems

The split system is the most commonly picked HVAC system. This is the HVAC system that you’ll most often see with a part set up on the window of residential and commercial properties. These units will then provide homeowners the ability to enjoy temperature-controlled rooms. They’re called ductless mini-split air systems. Through using a ductless mini-split air system, you’re able to exercise control over exactly which rooms you want to have heated or cooled down. This precision when it comes to energy usage is the best way to reduce your utility bill proactively.

We’ve covered a handful of the different types of HVAC systems. You might’ve learned throughout reading this that you didn’t have the best possible HVAC system for the environment that you live in. If that’s the case, it’s always a good idea to contact an HVAC technician in your area to come through your home and properly assess what you’ll need to do to install the ideal HVAC system in your home. Plus, they’ll be able to address any other outlying issues you might’ve already been juggling with your HVAC system. If you found yourself haunted by warm air in a room that should’ve been cold due to what your thermostat was saying, or maybe bugged by strange noises coming from your talkative HVAC system, don’t wait on getting that HVAC technician to come through your home. It’ll only save you time, money, and energy further on down the road.